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Change Your Mind and Your Life Will Follow

Change Your Mind and Your Life Will Follow
Change Your Mind and Your Life Will Follow
  • Forfatter: Karen Casey
  • Format: Pocket
  • Antall sider: 160
  • Språk: Engelsk
  • Forlag/Utgiver: SD Books
  • EAN: 9781684811007
  • Utgivelsesår: 2023
  • Bidragsyter: Casey, Karen
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Change your Thoughts for True Self Healing

Change Your Mind and Your Life Will Follow tells the truth and tells it well. I recommend it.”—Marianne Williamson

Finalist for the MS Society Books for a Better Life Award
#1 Bestseller in Addiction & Recovery, Twelve-Step Programs

From Karen Casey, bestselling author of Each Day a Renewed Beginning and Peace a Day at a Time, comes the latest edition of her simple steps guide on how to master your mindset for effective self healing.

Better living takes healing words. What we say to ourselves can change life as we experience it. Especially ones such as “I wish things could change'''' when we are feeling our lowest, bringing those dark feelings into our everyday lives. But words are powerful, and can be used as a way to relearn loving ourselves rather than wait for happy thoughts to suddenly appear. It’s time to bring