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Awaiting the King - Reforming Public Theology

Awaiting the King - Reforming Public Theology
Awaiting the King - Reforming Public Theology
  • Forfatter: James K. A. Smith
  • Format: Pocket
  • Antall sider: 256
  • Språk: Engelsk
  • Forlag/Utgiver: SD Books
  • EAN: 9780801035791
  • Utgivelsesår: 2017
  • Bidragsyter: Smith, James K. A.
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In this culmination of his widely read and highly acclaimed Cultural Liturgies project, James K. A. Smith examines politics through the lens of liturgy. What if, he asks, citizens are not only thinkers or believers but also lovers? Smith explores how our analysis of political institutions would look different if we viewed them as incubators of love-shaping practices--not merely governing us but forming what we love. How would our political engagement change if we weren''t simply looking for permission to express our "views" in the political sphere but actually hoped to shape the ethos of a nation, a state, or a municipality to foster a way of life that bends toward shalom?

This book offers a well-rounded public theology as an alternative to contemporary debates about politics. Smith explores the religious nature of politics and the political nature of Christian worship, sketching how the worship of the church propels us to be invested in forging the common