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Gordon Highlanders in the First World War

Gordon Highlanders in the First World War
Gordon Highlanders in the First World War
  • Forfatter: Cyril Falls
  • Format: Pocket
  • Antall sider: 294
  • Språk: Engelsk
  • Forlag/Utgiver: SD Books
  • EAN: 9781783311057
  • Utgivelsesår: 2014
  • Bidragsyter: Falls, Cyril
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The Gordons raised 21 battalions in the First World War, serving on the Western Front and in Italy and winning 65 battle honours.The regular force battalions (1st and 2nd Gordons) were immediately assigned to the British Expeditionary Force on the outbreak of war. 3rd (Reserve) Gordons remained in Aberdeen to serve as the depot unit for the duration of the war. The 1st Gordons in Plymouth was assigned to 8 Brigade of the 3rd Division, while 2nd Gordons was assigned to 20 Brigade in the 7th Division following its recall from Cairo. The first line Territorial Force battalions; 1/4th (Aberdeen,) 1/5th (Buchan and Formartine), 1/6th (Banffshire and Donside), 1/7th (Deeside), were assigned to 153 (2nd Highland) Brigade of the 51st (Highland) Division. This brigade was also known as the Gordons Brigade until May 1915 because of its composition solely of Gordon Highlanders battalions. A further eight Territorial Force battalions (2/4th, 2/5th, 2/6th, 2/7th, 3/4th, 3/5th, 3/6th, and 3/7th) wer