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Spiritual Realism

The Skeptic's Guide to Happiness

Spiritual Realism
Spiritual Realism
  • Forfatter: David A PH D Gurdjieff
  • Format: Pocket
  • Antall sider: 116
  • Språk: Engelsk
  • Forlag/Utgiver: SD Books
  • EAN: 9780595330034
  • Utgivelsesår: 2004
  • Bidragsyter: Gurdjieff, David A, PH D
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You are not happy. You may enjoy periods of relative happiness and you may be happier than other people that you know, but you are not as happy as you''d like to be or as happy as you can be. How do I know? First of all, if you were completely satisfied with your life you wouldn''t be holding this book in your hands right now. Second, it is very rare to find people that are in touch with certain realities regarding their existence that lead to lasting happiness.

Spiritual Realism works in two ways. First, it will challenge the way you think about yourself and your personal reality construct, or in simpler terms, what you think is real. Your illusions need to be shattered in order to achieve the bliss that you desire, yet has been eluding you for so long. Second, this book will teach you a series of techniques that will make you happier and more content with your life if you practice them sincerely over an extended period of time. Spiritual Realism works. It cannot f