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Physics for Scientists & Engineers with Modern Physics Pearson New International Edition, plus Maste

Mixed media
Physics for Scientists & Engineers with Modern Physics Pearson New International Edition, plus Maste
Physics for Scientists & Engineers with Modern Physics Pearson New International Edition, plus Maste
  • Forfatter: Douglas Giancoli
  • Format: Mixed media
  • Språk: Engelsk
  • Forlag/Utgiver: SD Books
  • EAN: 9781447965282
  • Utgivelsesår: 2013
  • Bidragsyter: Giancoli, Douglas
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For the calculus-based General Physics course primarily taken by engineers and science majors (including physics majors).


This long-awaited and extensive revision maintains Giancoli''s reputation for creating carefully crafted, highly accurate and precise physics texts. Physics for Scientists and Engineers combines outstanding pedagogy with a clear and direct narrative and applications that draw the student into the physics. The new edition also features an unrivaled suite of media and on-line resources that enhance the understanding of physics.


This book is written for students. It aims to explain physics in a readable and interesting manner that is accessible and clear, and to teach students by anticipating their needs and difficulties without oversimplifying.


Physics is a description of reality, and thus each topic begins with concrete observations and experiences that students can directly relate to. We then