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Signs of Borges

Latin America in Translation
Signs of Borges
Signs of Borges
  • Forfatter: Sylvia Molloy
  • Format: Innbundet
  • Antall sider: 160
  • Språk: Engelsk
  • Forlag/Utgiver: SD Books
  • Serienavn: Latin America in Translation
  • EAN: 9780822314066
  • Utgivelsesår: 1993
  • Bidragsyter: Molloy, Sylvia
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Available for the first time in English, Signs of Borges is widely regarded as the best single book on the work of Jorge Luis Borges. With a critical sensibility informed by Barthes, Lacan, Foucault, Blanchot, and the entire body of Borges scholarship, Sylvia Molloy explores the problem of meaning in Borges''s work by remaining true to the uncanniness that is its foundation.
Borges''s sustained practice of the uncanny gives rise in his texts to endless tensions between illusion and meaning, and to the competing desires for fragmentation, dispersal, and stability. Molloy traces the movement of Borges''s own writing by repeatedly spanning the boundaries of genre and cutting across the conventional separations of narrative, lyric and essay, fact and fiction. Rather than seeking to resolve the tensions and conflicts, she preserves and develops them, thereby maintaining the potential of these texts to disturb. At the site of these tensions, Molloy locates the play between me