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Writings on Irish Folklore, Legend and Myth

Penguin Modern Classics
Writings on Irish Folklore, Legend and Myth
Writings on Irish Folklore, Legend and Myth
  • Forfatter: William Yeats
  • Format: Pocket
  • Antall sider: 496
  • Språk: Engelsk
  • Forlag/Utgiver: SD Books
  • Serienavn: Penguin Modern Classics
  • EAN: 9780140180015
  • Utgivelsesår: 1993
  • Bidragsyter: Yeats, William
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This collection brings together all of W. B. Yeats¿s published prose writings on Irish folklore, legend and myth, with pieces on subjects including ghosts, kidnappers, fairies, ancient tribes, precious stones and Gaelic love songs. Through his researches on Irish folklore, Yeats attempted to create a movement in literature that was enriched by and rooted in a vital native tradition. In this volume Yeats¿s essays, introductions and sketches are presented chronologically, giving a clear picture of how his analysis developed, increasing in its depth and complexity in his quest to create an Ireland of the imagination.