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Violin and Viola

Menuhin Music Guides
Violin and Viola
Violin and Viola
  • Forfattere: Yehudi Menuhin , William Primrose
  • Format: Pocket
  • Antall sider: 272
  • Språk: Engelsk
  • Forlag/Utgiver: SD Books
  • Serienavn: Menuhin Music Guides
  • EAN: 9781871082197
  • Utgivelsesår: 1991
  • Bidragsyter: Menuhin, Yehudi; Primrose, William
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Yehudi Menuhin shares with the reader his unique store of understanding about the violin, about how to exercise and practise, and about the techniques of performance. William Primrose writes the distinguished monograph on the viola and describes the instrument as 'a violin with a college education'.