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Historical changes in alcohol contacts across the Swedish-Norwegian border

Historical changes in alcohol contacts across the Swedish-Norwegian border
Historical changes in alcohol contacts across the Swedish-Norwegian border
  • Forfatter: Anders Gustavsson
  • Format: Innbundet
  • Antall sider: 61
  • Språk: Engelsk
  • Forlag/Utgiver: Novus AS
  • Nivå: Voksen
  • EAN: 9788283900101
  • Kom i salg: 31. jan. 2019
  • Utgivelsesår: 2019
  • Bidragsyter: Gustavsson, Anders (for)
  • Utgave nr.: 1
  • Emnekategori: Mat og drikke: alkoholholdige drikkevarer, Sosial- og kulturhistorie
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This study sheds light on the flows of alcohol over the southern part of the long national border between Sweden and Norway and how these have changed over time in different political, legal, military, and economic situations. Special emphasis has been on studying shortage situations when no alcohol was legally available or easily accessible on one side of the border but not on the other. Particularly interesting situations are times of war, alcohol prohibition, and strikes. Views on alcohol have also had a gender aspect. In the late twentieth century the economy played a crucial part in the buying trips to Sweden by Norwegians. Taste can also play a part in these trips. The significance of the economic aspect has been greatest for the producers and sellers of illegal alcohol.