Nettbutikk for bedrifter og skoler

The 26-storey treehouse ; The 26-storey treehouse ; The 26-storey treehouse ; The 26-storey treehous

Gutta i trehuset
The 26-storey treehouse ; The 26-storey treehouse ; The 26-storey treehouse ; The 26-storey treehous
The 26-storey treehouse ; The 26-storey treehouse ; The 26-storey treehouse ; The 26-storey treehous
  • Forfatter: Andy Griffiths
  • Format: Pocket
  • Antall sider: 352
  • Språk: Engelsk
  • Forlag/Utgiver: SD Books
  • Nivå: 9-12
  • Serienavn: Gutta i trehuset
  • Serienummer: 2
  • EAN: 9781447279808
  • Kom i salg: 7. okt. 2016
  • Utgivelsesår: 2015
  • Bidragsyter: Griffiths, Andy (for) ; Denton, Terry (ill)
  • Utgave nr.: 1
  • Emnekategori: Skjønnlitteratur for barn og ungdom: humor
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Andy and Terry have expanded their treehouse! There are now thirteen brand-new storeys, including a dodgem-car rink, a skate ramp, a mud-fighting arena, an antigravity chamber, an ice-cream parlour with seventy-eight flavours run by an ice-cream-serving robot called Edward Scooperhands, and the Maze of Doom - a maze so complicated that nobody who has gone in has ever come out again . . . well, not yet anyway . . . The 26-Storey Treehouse is the second book in Andy Griffith's and Terry Denton's wacky treehouse adventures, where the laugh-out-loud story is told through a combination of text and fantastic cartoon-style illustrations.