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World War II US Armored Infantry Tactics

World War II US Armored Infantry Tactics
World War II US Armored Infantry Tactics
  • Forfatter: Gordon L. Rottman
  • Format: Pocket
  • Antall sider: 64
  • Språk: Engelsk
  • Forlag/Utgiver: SD Books
  • Serienavn: Elite
  • EAN: 9781846036927
  • Utgivelsesår: 2009
  • Bidragsyter: Dennis, Peter (ill)
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Little has been published on US armored infantry units and tactics over the years. However, their contribution to the war effort was hugely important. Using period training manuals and combat reports, this book provides a look at the unique tactics developed by US armored infantry units including movement formations and battle drills.